Stats at clubs
Stats for the national team
- Midfielder 95%
- Left midfielder 4%
- Right midfielder 2%
- Forward 91%
- Right winger 3%
- Left midfielder 3%
- Goalkeeper 3%
Other data
Sep 2011 | Date of the first match | Feb 1999 |
32.0 | Age in last game | 37.1 |
18.8 | Age in first game | 19.4 |
9 | Matches (last month) | 0 |
4 | Squad lists (last month) | 0 |
12 | Matches (last 3 months) | 0 |
12 | Squad lists (last 3 months) | 0 |
37 | Matches (last year) | 0 |
40 | Squad lists (last year) | 0 |