The player Rafa Mir, on provisional release investigated as an alleged perpetrator of a crime of sexual assault, went to training complex of Valencia, the club in which he plays on loan this season, to clarify his situation with the Spanish side. Mir was denounced on Sunday, September 1st, by a woman he met in a discotheque and with whom he went to his home. After two days in custody, on Wednesday, he gave a statement before the head of the examining magistrate's court of Lliria and defended that they were consensual relations.
After none of the parties requested pre-trial detention, Mir was released on bail with precautionary measures. His passport was withdrawn, he has been banned from leaving the country, he has a 500-meter restraining order and an order to stay away from the complainant and another woman who denounced his friend and also footballer Pablo Jara, and he is also obliged to come weekly to sign in court.
Valencia exempted him from attending training on Thursday and Friday and took a few days to analyze what happened and the situation of the player, on loan from Sevilla. The squad coached by Ruben Baraja will train on Monday afternoon at 6 p.m. and the club have not yet announced their decision, something it is expected to do after meeting in Paterna with Mir.
The player from Murcia issued a statement, on Monday, in which he reiterated his innocence, expressed his confidence in justice and apologized to Valencia for having failed to comply with the schedules he should have followed due to his professional status, although he clarified that it was on his day off.
September 9, 2024