Eliyahu Levi

Eliyahu Levi

Eliyahu Levi's career

Managerial career

2024/2025 FC Ashdod FC Ashdod
Competition W D L Pref.tactic
Average number of goals
Ligat Ha'al
Ligat Ha'al 3 4 12 4-2-3-1 25 : 39 1.32 : 2.05
Cup Israel
Cup Israel 2 0 0 4-4-2 8 : 4 4 : 2
Toto Cup Ligat Al
Toto Cup Ligat Al 2 0 3 4-4-2 10 : 16 2 : 3.2
7 4 15 4-4-2 43 : 59 1.65 : 2.27
2023/2024 FC Ashdod FC Ashdod
Competition W D L Pref.tactic
Average number of goals
Toto Cup Ligat Al
Toto Cup Ligat Al 2 2 1 4-4-2 3 : 3 0.6 : 0.6
Ligat Ha'al
Ligat Ha'al 9 10 14 4-2-3-1 29 : 45 0.88 : 1.36
Cup Israel
Cup Israel 0 0 1 4-4-2 0 : 2 0 : 2
11 12 16 4-2-3-1 32 : 50 0.82 : 1.28